Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen

Senior Researcher, Cand.scient.soc., PhD

  • Children, Adolescents and Families
  • Daycare, School and Education
  • Health Care

Key Expertise:

  • Inequality and social heritage,
  • Public school,
  • Gender and identity

My main areas of work:

I focus on the importance of an individual’s background and lifestyle for a number of outcome measures. In the area of health, I investigate support of the child vaccination programme, and I have performed considerable research on weight, perceptions of weight and the importance of social characteristics for these. Furthermore, I am involved in several investigations in the area of education, again with the importance of background as the main focus. I am the Co-National Project Manager for the PISA investigations in Denmark, as well as being responsible for the analysis component of the PISA investigations.


I mainly use micro-econometric methods and carry out quantitative research. I work with both registry and questionnaire data and have taken part in the development of several questionnaires.


I have a master’s degree in political science and a PhD in sociology from University of Copenhagen in 2010. In my career, I have worked for various research institutions. I was employed by SFI in 2004, after which I worked for the former AKF, KORA and now VIVE since 2007. In 2012, I received the Young Elite Researcher Award from Independent Research Fund Denmark. Since 2015, I have been Co-national Project Manager for the PISA survey in Denmark.

Selected publications
