1. SEP 2016
Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen
- Children, Adolescents and Families
- Daycare, School and Education
- Health Care Children, Adolescents and Families, Daycare, School and Education, Health Care
Key Expertise:
- Inequality and social heritage,
- Public school,
- Gender and identity
My main areas of work:
I focus on the importance of an individual’s background and lifestyle for a number of outcome measures. In the area of health, I investigate support of the child vaccination programme, and I have performed considerable research on weight, perceptions of weight and the importance of social characteristics for these. Furthermore, I am involved in several investigations in the area of education, again with the importance of background as the main focus. I am the Co-National Project Manager for the PISA investigations in Denmark, as well as being responsible for the analysis component of the PISA investigations.
I mainly use micro-econometric methods and carry out quantitative research. I work with both registry and questionnaire data and have taken part in the development of several questionnaires.
I have a master’s degree in political science and a PhD in sociology from University of Copenhagen in 2010. In my career, I have worked for various research institutions. I was employed by SFI in 2004, after which I worked for the former AKF, KORA and now VIVE since 2007. In 2012, I received the Young Elite Researcher Award from Independent Research Fund Denmark. Since 2015, I have been Co-national Project Manager for the PISA survey in Denmark.
Selected publications
1. SEP 2016
15. APR 2014
Christensen, V. T., & Carpiano, R. (2014). Social Class Differences in BMI among Danish Women: Applying Cockerham’s Health Lifestyles Approach and Bourdieu's Theory of Lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine, 2014(112), 12-21.
13. JAN 2014
Christensen, V. T. (2014). My sibling, my weight. How gender, sibling gender, sibling weight and sibling weight level perception influence weight perception accuracy. Nutrition & Diabetes, 4(e103). https://doi.org/10.1038/nutd.2013.44
1. FEB 2011
- Social issues
- Children, youth and family
- Health Social issues, Children, youth and family, Health
Christensen, V. T. (2011). Does Parental Capital Influence the Prevalence of Child Overweight and Parental Perceptions of Child Weight-Level? Social Science & Medicine, 72(4), 469-477. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.11.037
- Labor market
- Daycare, school and education Labor market, Daycare, school and education
Greve, J., Saaby, M., Rosdahl, A., & Christensen, V. T. (2021). Uncertain occupational expectations at age 19 and later educational and labour market outcomes. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 35/2, 163-191. https://doi.org/10.1111/labr.12194
3. DEC 2019
- Social issues
- Children, youth and family
- Daycare, school and education Social issues, Children, youth and family, Daycare, school and education
Christensen, V. T. (2019, Dec 3). PISA 2018 - En sammenfatning. VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd. https://www.vive.dk/media/pure/14477/3610795
1. FEB 2017
Christensen, V. T., & Gupta, N. D. (2017). Hearing loss and disability exit: Measurement issues and coping strategies. Economics and Human Biology, 2017(24), 80-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2016.11.006
1. DEC 2013
Christensen, V. T. (2013). Studies of differentiated weight levels and weight perceptions explored through the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu. Praktiske Grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab, 7(1-2), 33-40.
20. AUG 2012
- Health Health