Scientific article 24. JAN 2017
Academic Interventions for Elementary and Middle School Students with Low Socioeconomic Status
- Jens Dietrichson
- Martin Bøg
- Trine Filges
- Anne-Marie Klint Jørgensen
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families
Daycare, school and education
The Social Sector, Children, Adolescents and Families, Daycare, school and education
Socioeconomic status is a major predictor of educational achievement. This systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to identify effective academic interventions for elementary and middle school students with low socioeconomic status. Included studies have used a treatment-control group design, were performed in OECD and EU countries, and measured achievement by standardized tests in mathematics or reading. The analysis included 101 studies performed during 2000-2014, 76 percent of which were randomized controlled trials. The effect sizes (ES) of many interventions indicate that it is possible to substantially improve educational achievement for the target group. Intervention components such as tutoring (ES = 0.36), feedback and progress monitoring (ES = 0.32), and cooperative learning (ES = 0.22) have average ES that are educationally important, statistically significant, and robust. There is also substantial variation in effect sizes, within and between components, which cannot be fully explained by observable study characteristics.
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Published in
Review of Educational Research