Report 15. JAN 2013
Equal opportunities - methodological basis for an impact evaluation
- Turf Böcker Jakobsen
- Stéphanie Lyk-Jensen
- Dorte Laursen Stigaard
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families
The Social Sector, Children, Adolescents and Families
The report is about the methodological basis for impact evaluation of the five initiatives which all aim at supporting and strengthening vulnerable children and young people and which come under the "Equal Opportunities" action programme.
It deals with subsequent care for previously placed young people, the 24-hour contact scheme for young people, networks and conversation groups for vulnerable children and young people, social caretakers in youth residences and out-patients offers for young people, singles and vulnerable mothers. In practice it appears that impact measurement in a classical sense is not possible with regard to the five initiatives. Instead specific evaluation designs have been worked out for each of the five initiatives which, using different methods, aim at providing measurements for the impact of the initiatives.
The report is the second in a number of publications from SFI in connection with evaluation of the action programme conducted by SFI for the National Board of Social Services.
It deals with subsequent care for previously placed young people, the 24-hour contact scheme for young people, networks and conversation groups for vulnerable children and young people, social caretakers in youth residences and out-patients offers for young people, singles and vulnerable mothers. In practice it appears that impact measurement in a classical sense is not possible with regard to the five initiatives. Instead specific evaluation designs have been worked out for each of the five initiatives which, using different methods, aim at providing measurements for the impact of the initiatives.
The report is the second in a number of publications from SFI in connection with evaluation of the action programme conducted by SFI for the National Board of Social Services.
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SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd