Report 16. DEC 2016
Implementation of Multifunc
- Sofie Henze-Pedersen
- Katrine Syppli Kohl
- Helene Oldrup
- Jan Hyld Pejtersen
The Social Sector
The Social Sector
In 2009, a political decision earmarked funding to consistently and effectively address the issue of children and young people who display criminal or other negative behaviour. Among other things, this resulted in a trial of the MultifunC treatment programme (Multifunctional Treatment in Residential and Community Settings), which has already showed promising results in Norway and Sweden. Therefore, in 2011 and 2012, two Danish MultifunC institutions were opened in Copenhagen and Aarhus.
This study investigates the implementation process of the MultifunC programme in Denmark. The study shows that neither of the two Danish institutions were successful in implementing MultifunC satisfactorily during the implementation period.
For example, it was difficult to implement cross-disciplinary cooperation between employees with different professional backgrounds, as required by the treatment programme. Furthermore, it was very difficult for the Danish MultifunC institutions to establish external cooperation with the municipal social services, the police, schools, work-experience enterprises, and after-school leisure activities, which was also a vital part of the treatment programme.
The study was financed by the National Board of Social Services.
This study investigates the implementation process of the MultifunC programme in Denmark. The study shows that neither of the two Danish institutions were successful in implementing MultifunC satisfactorily during the implementation period.
For example, it was difficult to implement cross-disciplinary cooperation between employees with different professional backgrounds, as required by the treatment programme. Furthermore, it was very difficult for the Danish MultifunC institutions to establish external cooperation with the municipal social services, the police, schools, work-experience enterprises, and after-school leisure activities, which was also a vital part of the treatment programme.
The study was financed by the National Board of Social Services.
About this publication
SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd