Working paper 1. MAR 2022
PROTOCOL: Testing frequency and student achievement: A systematic review
- Morten Kjær Thomsen
- Julie Kaas Seerup
- Jens Dietrichson
- Anja Bondebjerg
- Bjørn C. A. Viinholt
Daycare, school and education
Daycare, school and education
This is the protocol for a Campbell review. Our primary research question is: What are the effects of different testing frequencies on student achievement? Our secondary research question is: What are the effects of different testing frequencies on measures of students' testing anxiety? Our third research question is: How are the effects of different testing frequencies on student achievement and testing anxiety moderated by subject, grade, type of test, duration of the intervention, and gender?
This is the protocol for a Campbell review. Our primary research question is: What are the effects of different testing frequencies on student achievement? Our secondary research question is: What are the effects of different testing frequencies on measures of students' testing anxiety? Our third research question is: How are the effects of different testing frequencies on student achievement and testing anxiety moderated by subject, grade, type of test, duration of the intervention, and gender?