Scientific article 15. DEC 2023
PROTOCOL: The FRIENDS preventive programme for reducing anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents: A systematic review
- Trine Filges
- Tine Louise Mundbjerg Eriksen
- Geir Smedslund
- Kirsten Birkefoss
The Social Sector
The Social Sector
This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows. The main objective of this review is to answer the following research question: What are the effects of the FRIENDS preventive programme on anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents? Further, the review will attempt to answer if the effects differ between participant age groups, participant socio-economic status, type of prevention (universal, selective or indicated), type of provider (lay or mental health provider), country of implementation (Australia or other countries) and implementation issues in relation to the booster sessions and parent sessions (implemented, partly implemented or not at all).
About this publication
Published in
Campbell Systematic Reviews