17. SEP 2023
The Elderly
The Elderly
Lea Graff studies local health and social care provision for older adults in Denmark as well as in the other Nordic countries. She primarily focus on home care and reablement from a bottom-up perspective taking its starting point in the experiences and daily lives of care workers and clients. She is especially interested in how structural and organizational frameworks for eldercare provision affect care professionals' working conditions, possibilities to provide quality care and daily work as well as the daily lives and experiences of care clients.
Lea works with a wide range of qualitative data and ethnographic approaches, e.g. rapid site-switching ethnography, case studies, intervies and observations, often combined with policy- and legislation analysis, document analysis etc.
Lea holds a MsC in social work and is currently finishing her PhD studies in Social Policy and Social Work at Oslo Metropolitan University. She has studied eldercare and reablement since 2012 and has been employed at KORA (now VIVE) since 2015.