Mona Larsen

Center Director, Cand.Oecon, PhD

  • The Elderly
  • Labour Market

Key Expertise:

  • Working conditions

Areas of work

Mona Larsen works with analysis focusing on elderly people on the job market, retirement, wage differences between women and men and the gender-segregated job market. In relation to this, she has especially focused on development over time. Furthermore, she performed analyses of persons with a short education and persons on the edge of the job market, including persons with disabilities, persons in flex jobs and vulnerable groups in companies. Her analyses are based on registry data, survey data or a combination of these.


Mona Larsen has skills in quantitative methodology. She carries out decomposition analysis to gain a better insight into why elderly persons’ participation in employment has increased, and why there are wage differences between women and men. Moreover, she carries out difference-in-differences analyses, instrument variable analyses, random and fixed effects analyses and factor analyses.


Mona Larsen has more than 25 years' experience of carrying out job market analysis. She completed her MSc in Economy in 1994 at Aalborg University. She acquired her PhD in 2004 at Forskerskolen for Integration, Produktion og Velfærd (The research school for integration, production and welfare) and Aarhus Business School. Her PhD was done in collaboration with the Danish National Institute of Social Research (later SFI, now VIVE), where she was employed as a researcher from 2005-2008, and later as a senior researcher.

Selected publications