13. JUN 2020
Rasmus Højbjerg Jacobsen
Economy and Governance
Health Care
The Social Sector
Economy and Governance, Health Care, The Social Sector
Key Expertise:
- Crime,
- mMental health,
- Vulnerable persons,
- Municipalities and regions,
- Sickness,
- BIS,
- Cost-of-illness

Main areas of work
Rasmus Højbjerg Jacobsen mainly works with analyses that include various population groups’ overall use of public services. Therefore, the focus of his projects is not so much the individual areas as the overall picture. He also works with impact measurement of interventions targeting specific groups, generally using registry data.
Rasmus Højbjerg Jacobsen has competencies in socio-economic analysis and impact measurement. The socio-economic analyses are based on the population’s use of services, from income transfers over crime prevention and services in the health system to social services provided according to the Danish Social Service Law. By measuring how much various population groups use these services, we can arrive at a good measure of the economic potentials linked to improving the situation of vulnerable citizens. In impact measurement, he especially uses randomised controlled trials, matching and difference-in-differences.
Rasmus Højbjerg Jacobsen has an MSc in Economics and has previously worked for the secretariat of the Danish Economic Councils, the DREAM model and Centre for Economics and Business Research at Copenhagen Business School. He thus has almost 20 years’ experience in performing analysis of current Danish economic conditions.
The subjects of his previous analyses cover a wide area: e.g. the impact of companies’ use of standards, young mothers’ connection to the labour market and education, cost-benefit analysis of crime prevention interventions and impact measurement of an outdoor school intervention.
In recent years, Rasmus Højbjerg Jacobsen has mainly worked with socio-economic measurement. In relation to this, he has been a project manager for the development of Den Socialøkonomiske Investeringsmodel (SØM, the socio-economic investment model).
Selected publications
13. JUN 2020
DEC 2019
Frandsen, T. F., Jacobsen, R. H., Nicolaisen, J., & Ousager, J. (2019). Pressure to publish: A Bibliometric Study of PhD-Students (1993-2009). Information Research, 24(4), Article colis1925.
SEP 2019
Labour Market
Economy and Governance
Health Care
Labour Market, Economy and Governance, Health Care
Daley, D., Jacobsen, R. H., Lange, A.-M., Sørensen, A., & Walldorf, J. (2019). The economic burden of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A sibling comparison cost analysis. European Psychiatry, 61, 41-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2019.06.011
MAY 2019
Economy and Governance
Health Care
Economy and Governance, Health Care