26. MAY 2016
The Social Sector
The Social Sector
Sofie Henze-Pedersen works with surveys focussing on vulnerable children and adolescents – or other children and adolescents who are in a vulnerable life situation. Especially children and adolescents who experience domestic violence, have a parent in jail or are at risk of getting involved in crime or of out-of-home placement.
She has a special focus on how children and adolescents experience their daily life and family life, when they are in a vulnerable position or situation.
Sofie Henze-Pedersen works with qualitative methods and has specialised in the use of qualitative methods in surveys about the experiences of children and adolescents, which include children and adolescents as survey participants.
She has competencies in fieldwork, various types of interviews (e.g. semi-structured interviews, life story interviews and focus group interviews) as well as visual and inclusive methods. She especially works with everyday life and family life studies.
Sofie Henze-Pedersen has a degree in anthropology and a PhD degree in sociology. She has worked with qualitative studies of vulnerable children and adolescents since she started work at SFI/VIVE in 2013. She has especially been involved in studies concerning everyday life and family relationships among vulnerable children and youth.