Report 29. NOV 2017
Pupils’ learning and progression
Daycare, school and education
Daycare, school and education
The amount of digital data on pupils is greater than ever before, but the question is how best to manage all this digital data. This report accounts for processes and results from a development project on utilisation of pupil data in primary and lower secondary schools (the Folkeskole). The purpose of the project is to provide knowledge-based and practice-based recommendations on how to collect, compile and present data on pupils’ progression, and how to utilise the data to support pupils’ development and allow all pupils to exploit their full potential.
The report comprises a research review of Danish and international studies on how learning and progression can be measured, and how professionals can work with pupil data to support learning and progression. This is followed by a summary of a questionnaire survey of private providers of digital teaching materials for primary and lower secondary school, and the results of a collection of experience from teachers, pupils and parents. Finally, the report presents experience from specific development work carried out in a number of areas in which pupil data plays a major role, as well as academic/didactic considerations about the use of pupil data by professionals.
Based on the survey, recommendations are presented with regard to general system requirements, data types and data quality in connection with visualisation, competence needs related to professionals’ work with visualisation and professionals’ access to pupil data and work with such data.
The report was launched and financed by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Local Government Denmark and the Agency for Digitisation.
The report comprises a research review of Danish and international studies on how learning and progression can be measured, and how professionals can work with pupil data to support learning and progression. This is followed by a summary of a questionnaire survey of private providers of digital teaching materials for primary and lower secondary school, and the results of a collection of experience from teachers, pupils and parents. Finally, the report presents experience from specific development work carried out in a number of areas in which pupil data plays a major role, as well as academic/didactic considerations about the use of pupil data by professionals.
Based on the survey, recommendations are presented with regard to general system requirements, data types and data quality in connection with visualisation, competence needs related to professionals’ work with visualisation and professionals’ access to pupil data and work with such data.
The report was launched and financed by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Local Government Denmark and the Agency for Digitisation.
About this publication
Financed by
KL og DigitaliseringsstyrelsenPublisher
VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd